Director Jenna Burton featured on ‘The Arbitration Station’ podcast


Director Jenna Burton was interviewed for The Arbitration Station’s first podcast of 2022.

The podcast discusses key issues relating to commercial and investment arbitration. Hosted by arbitration experts Saadia Bhatty (Counsel, International Arbitration Group), Brian Kotick (Founding Partner, MB Kemp LLP) and Joel Dahlquist (Managing Associate, Arbitration Chambers), previous guests have included leading QCs and renowned Arbitration practitioners.

Jenna sheds light on life as an investigator and the role she and her team play in supporting commercial arbitration matters, from assisting in pre-litigation strategy, asset tracing and recovery, through to enforcement.

Listen to Jenna in Season 6 Episode 6 “The Investigator” here.

You can read more about Jenna and her work here.